
Posts Tagged ‘Delta waves’

You can sit in a lotus position. You can chant. You can focus your thoughts nd calm the “monkey mind.”

But, when it comes down to the core of it, to better understand meditation, we need to get to know our brain waves…

Like so many other things in life, brainwaves are made up of vibrations- vibrations at different speeds. To give a simple overview:

  • At Beta, you are wide awake and alert but processing everything that is going on around you. A conscious state, good for concentration, cognition, and productivity
  • At Alpha, you are more focused and screen out extemporary stimuli. Relaxing and pleasant, great for stress reduction, visualization and creativity
  • At Theta, you’re in a “”twilight state” between waking and sleeping. Helpful for meditation, intuition and memory; and also helpful for reprogramming your beliefs, especially unconscious ones.
  • And at Delta, you’re in deep, restful sleep. Essential for health and healing.

( for more details on brainwaves, click here )

As you can see, different activities are better with different waves. And meditation both utilizes different brain waves, and helps us access them more easily in other situations. Most meditation falls into alpha state, theta state or on the boundary in between the two.

And that’s how meditation can be chanting, or mantras, or the lotus position; and can also be walking, or breathing, or doing the dishes. Any activity that you can do that takes you into that “altered state” can be a meditation, with the benefits associated with that.

So, what’s that state feel like? How do I know when I’m in that state? Do I have to put on electrodes to know if I’m meditating?…

No electrodes required (although feel free if you like…)

Let’s look at that altered state found in meditation next.






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We’ve spent quite a bit of time looking at symbolic dreams and how to get the information they bring to us.

But what if you don’t dream? Or don’t remember your dreams?

Full dreams tend to occur during the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) part of sleep. With few exceptions, most people experience REM at least once per sleep cycle (whether that is a full 8 hours or even during many naps), so data indicates that most of us are dreaming on a regular basis.

Many people don’t remember their dreams. Some don’t remember so deeply that they don’t even remember that they have dreamed.

That seems like a kind of impasse there, if you can’t interpret your dreams because you can’t remember them.

There is a way of working with that, though…

First, when you’re planning on interpreting your dreams, be sure you’ve got writing materials (pad and pencil/crayon and sketch pad/ birch bark and quill dipped in crushed berries/whatever floats your boat!) right next to the bed.

(When passing from dreaming to waking state, you come through several different levels of brain waves. If, on top of that, you visit the bathroom, go get a drink, then have to hunt around for something to write on, you might as well kiss that dream goodbye now and save yourself the trouble.)

Then when you’re in bed and drifting off to sleep, tell yourself repeatedly “Tonight, I will dream and I will remember my dream…”

If you sleep alone, you can do this out loud. If you share sleeping quarters, do this silently in your mind (it’ll work just as well).

The silent method is because you don’t want to weird out your sleep buddy, plus it’s far harder to dream if said buddy keeps thumping you with a pillow and saying “Will you hush up?!!!

How does this work? As you pass from full alertness (Beta waves) down through Alpha, Theta and Delta waves, your mind becomes more receptive to suggestions you give yourself. You’re, in effect, retraining your body to remember.

(For the record, this is an extremely simple form of self-hypnosis. If you have questions about that, please feel free to comment or email).

This may work pretty quickly, or it may take more time to work, based on parameters such as how deep you sleep, how receptive you are to your own suggestions, how much your sleep buddy hits you with that pillow, etc.; but the bottom line is that, if you keep doing it, you will begin to remember your dreams.

And, lucky you! You just happen to know how to interpret them…

More fun and games with dreaming on the way..






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