
Posts Tagged ‘Princess Palooza’

Well, Pets weekend at the Robin Hood Springtime Festival has come and gone. Did you and your furry, feathered or scaly friend come to see it?

If you missed it, have no fear; there’s two more weekends on the way (and if you came, we’re so glad and please feel free to come back and see us again…)

This weekend is Princess Palooza with special events for the romantically inclined. Catch the vows renewals, the princess costume contest, and  the dragon egg hunt.

For those of us who are not so royal, catch the thundering drums and bagpipes of Cu Dubh (they rock!) as well as all of the other wonderful entertainment at the faire

and of course, drop by and see the psychics of Foresight, in our new improved location by the Castle Stage

We hope to see you this weekend for a world of renaissance fun!






For more information on Catherine’s books, “Adventures in Palmistry”, “The Practical Empath – Surviving and Thriving as a Psychic Empath”, “Manifesting Something Better”, “The Psychic Power of Your Dreams”, her urban fantasy “The Lands That Lie Between”  and her new book “Magick for Pennies”, all from Foresight Publications, click here

and for the new Kindle version of Manifesting Something Better, click here


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